Appointment Information

Appointment Information

Emergency After-Hours:

For urgent and/or life-threatening matters after-hours please call 000 and/or attend the Rockhampton Base hospital emergency department and for less serious concerns after-hours please call the House Call Doctor on 13 55 66, alternatively the Emergency Care Centre at the Mater Hospital, Ward Street, Rockhampton is open from 7am-11pm daily on 07 49313313..

House Calls:

In exceptional circumstances, house calls may be arranged for a patient who is unable to attend the surgery owing to age or serious illness.


Fees vary according to the nature, length of time or the procedure in the consultation. Payment is essential at the time of consultation for all patients. We offer for your convenience, EFTPOS, credit card facilities and as we are linked to Medicare, we can refund your Medicare portion of the account straight back to your EFTPOS card or nominated bank account. Please mention to your Doctor if you have problems making payment.

Aged Pension card holders and children under 15 are offered a discounted fee at some of the CQ Medicentre Sites. It is essential these cards be presented to reception on each visit to ensure that the correct discounted fee applies.

Disclaimer: All fees are at the discretion of individual Doctors. Please be aware they may use their own Schedule of Fees that differ to the listed Standard Practice Fees. Contact reception on Northside: 07 49277611/ Southside: 07 49214175 if you have any queries

Our Billing Policy & Doctors Who Offer Private Billing Services:

CQ Medicentre Northside

CQ Medicentre Southside

Some private-billing doctors at CQ Medicentre Southside offer discounts to patients who are under 15 years of age and those who hold a current Aged Pension Card (This service is available Monday – Friday outside of 11am-2pm).

For more information a schedule of fees is located at reception or please contact our friendly team.

Some Private Fees:

Travel Consultations are billed privately and vary according to severity and/or complexity

1. Procedure Fees: $70.00 private, $50.00 concession. This fee applies for minor surgery e.g. skin cancer surgery, laceration repairs etc.

2. Dressings Fees Vary according to severity and complexity

3. Prescription fee without consultation: $20.00 (only available for existing patients of this practice, and at the doctor’s discretion).

4. Standard duration consultation fees vary between $85.00-$105.00. Please inform reception upon booking if you require a standard or long consultation. Consultations longer than 20 minutes will be billed at higher rate.

Pathology Results:

Please direct requests for blood or biopsy/histology results to the Nursing Staff. It would be appreciated if calls for results were made between the hours of 2.00pm and 3.00pm each day. At other times, the Nursing staff may not be available to take your call immediately. It is good practice to see your doctor for test results and some doctors may require you to book an appointment a few days after your tests.


Doctors in this practice are very competent at handling all the common health problems. When necessary, they are able to seek an opinion from a Specialist. Referral letters to Specialist Doctors will require an appointment. In most instances, the doctor will write the letter at the appointment time.

Continuing Referrals:

Whether or not you will be required to make an appointment may depend on how long it has been since the last consultation with our Doctor and if any tests are required before seeing the Specialist Doctor. Some doctors will always request an appointment to enable proper reviews of your record and to confirm indication for referral.


GPs and other clinical staff allow time to return phone calls during the day, and where ‘clinically significant’ information is discussed, a note must be made in the patient’s health record. The definition of ‘clinically significant’ information is provided in the Glossary of the RACGP Standards.

GPs and other clinical staff need to make time to return emails during the day, and where ‘clinically significant’ information is discussed, a note must be made in the patient’s health record. Our Practice uses secure email with password encryptions sent to the patient prior to opening the email. The definition of ‘clinically significant’ information is provided in the Glossary of the RACGP Standards.

Urgent Calls:

Patients should ask to speak to the Nursing staff so that they may assess the problem and liaise with a Doctor if required. It is recommended that in cases where chest pain, severe shortness of breath or sudden onset of confusion/stroke signs are the issue that you dial 000 immediately for ambulance assistance and/or make your way to the emergency department at the Rockhampton Base Hospital as soon as possible.

Repeat Prescriptions:

It is not our practice to issue prescriptions without the patient being seen, other than for the continuing treatment of chronic conditions. Even in these cases, regular reviews with your Doctor are necessary. If a prescription is required and you have been seen by your Doctor within the previous 3 months, please make your request to the receptionist with the name and strength of the medication, the quantity and time of the day the medication is taken. A charge applies for scripts written without a consultation. Prescriptions can usually be collected the day following the request. Any patients requiring Authority scripts will need to make an appointment to see the Doctor. Please talk to the Nursing staff if you have a problem. Some doctors will always require an appointment to enable review of your record to check/confirm indications for use.

Health Information:

This practice has a small reference library including both written literature and some DVD/CDs. These have been designed to assist you with information about your illness or condition. Speak to your Doctor or Nursing staff if you wish to access this material. Their practice uses a Reminder/recall system.

Weekends Appointment Fees:

Appointments on weekends with any doctor will incur a fee. Payment is required on the same day. Please ensure you are fully aware of any fees payable prior to your appointment. For more information please contact our friendly team.

For more information a schedule of fees is located at reception or please contact our friendly team.